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(More customer reviews)This book, together with "Japanese Hiragana for Beginners", has proven itself indispensible in the learning of the Japanese writing system. There is room for practicing both the reading and writing of each character, along with a memory aid for keeping them all straight (although I think in the end, "shi" and "tsu" still look uncannily alike, despite the author's protestations). The two books also teach frequently-used Japanese words, together with reading practice of words and sentences. There is a list of American names written in katakana at the beginning of the book, and lists of other English-derived words in the back. This book comes highly recommended because of the flashcards at the end which you can tear out and use to study.
Click Here to see more reviews about: Japanese Katakana for Beginners: First Steps to Mastering the Japanese Writing System (Tuttle Language Library)
Picture mnemonics are a proven tool in the world of language learning. Japanese Katakana for Beginners makes character learning quick and effective by implementing this established system. The method used in Japanese Katakana for Beginners has helped thousands of students learn katakana successfully in the United States and Japan.Full of useful writing tips, rules that allow students to write all Japanese sounds, and exercises such as word searches, crossword puzzles, fill in the blanks, timed recognition quizzes and more, this book is an excellent tool to increase knowledge of the Japanese language.
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