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(More customer reviews)I couldn't agree more that this text is, to put it kindly, sketchy. I don't know what level it is meant for, but I'm using it in graduate school, and frankly, it isn't telling me anything I didn't learn back in Intro to Psych 101. It also appears very choppy within sections and you can tell where updates were stuck in and not well-integrated. (I always love the shoehorned-in references to women or minorities, not just a crime of this book, however.) It's also poorly written in spots, as I'm reading about something I already know and the explanation is about as clear as mud. I feel sorry for people who haven't learned some of the material elsewhere. As I will be facing this material on a licensing exam, I am in the market for another book - one that might teach me something I didn't learn in high school/freshman year in college.
Click Here to see more reviews about: Life-Span Development
Driven by learning goals, previous editions of this text have been widely adopted for their accurate, complete, and up-to-date coverage. While maintaining these hallmarks, this revision includes increased coverage of adulthood and aging, a new "Interlude" feature on applications, and updated research with more 21st-century citations than ever before.
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