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(More customer reviews)This book reads like something written in a foreign language and put through google translator.
Click Here to see more reviews about: Simple Real-time Operating System: A Kernel Inside View for a Beginner
The first motivation for writing this book is to teach mycolleagues about RTOS (Real-Time Operating System) concepts and the proprietary RTOSdeveloped for our project by me. I realized that the same material with some extensioncan be useful to most embedded engineers who are beginners in learning about RTOS. Icame across many embedded engineers who are not comfortable to use real-time operatingsystem. A significant fraction of these people have taken operating systems courseduring their undergraduate or graduate studies! The unease obviously even moreaggravated for those embedded engineers who do not take operating systems course duringtheir college level studies. I think this is the main reason that some companies stilluse tricky, messy workarounds to solve their scheduling problems in their simple andmoderately complex projects. The operating systems course the engineers studied duringtheir undergraduation is too broad which only cover theoretical aspects of all kinds ofsystems, and mostly devoid of practical training that students can not gain the abilityto develop one! RTOS market share surveys show a significantfraction of companies use their proprietary operating systems. The proprietary RTOS hasthe advantages of leanness, higher efficiency and much more configurability as it isentirely open. Even though the market share for proprietary RTOS is slowly declining,the fraction of the companies that use proprietary RTOSes will be significant for manymore years. This book can be a great resource for the engineers who are developing andmaintaining a proprietary RTOS for his/her company. This bookaddress the needs of the people who want to learn about RTOS and also those who want todevelop one. This book gives in-depth understanding of RTOS, make the reader comfortablein understanding a code written using RTOS, make the reader comfortable using RTOS todevelop a new piece of code. This book explains all basic RTOS concepts starting fromscratch in detail. So a beginner or a person only with little experience with RTOS cansignificantly benefit from this book. This book discusses most of the RTOS concepts andimplements them in a piece of code and develops one simple RTOS kernel, named as SROS(Simple Real-time Operating System). All the features for SROS kernel are developed oneat a time in an evolutionary manner. So this book can also benefit an experienced personwho wants to know more about RTOS kernel. As this book develop feature by feature in apiece meal fashion, this book can greatly benefit the people who want to develop aproprietary RTOS for their projects. As this book covers the kernel of RTOS and pointout some short term projects a reader can do, this book can also be used by students whowant to know about the kernel of RTOS and want to do some short term projects on RTOS. This book introduces the RTOS concepts one by one and shows theirimplementations in C code, or pseudo C code together with ARM assembly code when Cimplementation is not possible (i.e. in case of Hardware Abstraction Layer functions).Every piece of code shown as example in this book has either C code or pseudo C code soreaders with out the knowledge of ARM architecture and instruction set can alsounderstand the functionality of the code easily. (The ARM code given in this book andCDROM is developed for ARM architecture V5 and tested on ARM9 platform). Allover thebook when we mention ARM processor, it means we are referring to an ARM core thatimplement ARM V5 architecture. The RTOS code developed in the book is named as SROS(Simple Real-time Operating System). The SROS kernel implementation is on similar linesto many commercially available RTOSes. The SROS kernel features are added chapter afterchapter. At any level of development, SROS code available in the accompanied CDROM canbe readily used in an ARM based system and can be ported easily to other processorplatforms. SROS features are implemented incrementally so that user has the choice ofusing it at any level of complexity. SROS with minimal features provide minimum code,execution time overheads and vice versa. The code size and execution complexity of SROSis less in the initial version compared to the later version even after unused functionsare removed by linker. The accompanied CD-ROM provides 2 versions of SROS which wereincrementally developed and finished by the end of 2nd and 3rd chapters. The author assumes that the reader is familiar with Cprogramming, and simple data structure - linked lists. No knowledge about assemblyprogramming of ARM processor is assumed, even though the accompanying CDROM provide theSROS implementation on ARM platform, which is auxiliary. Thereaders of this book after reading it can have the comfort of working/evaluating anyRTOS, can have the comfort of knowing the internals of RTOS, can use highly simple andoptimal SROS without any royalties with the flexibility of customizations, or candevelop a simple proprietary real-time operating system in a few days.
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