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(More customer reviews)Let me state that I have been through many, many books on how to learn Visual Basic 6.0. I've done the Dummies Book, the Sams 21 Day and 24 hour route, and the John Smiley 'By examples' book, and lastly the Peter Norton VB book. I've spent some serious money on books and Im still a rookie programmer (ok, so Im modest...).
Since I started with the Dummies book, it gave me the basics of how and why VB works. But, what I found it lacking was any real examples to play with. The Sams books were redundant of the dummies guides. And the Peter Norton book was just pathetic. It would bore a Vulcan to sleep. I can't tell you how many times I caught myself reading the same paragraph over and over to try to capture the meaning. The book by John Smiley was fantastic, but his follow up one, the "By Examples", had a Talk Show tone that left me confused. The book just had too much going on asides VB...and after a chapter or two, I just couldnt take it any longer (the book is now a lovely speaker holder).
Enough on those. To you that have tried a book or two and are thirsty for a book that will bring you across the finish line, this is it. No, this is not an ideal first book for the newbie. But, if you understand a wee bit about VB, this book will pick you up and carry you though. The examples (and there are lots) are the heart of each lesson. Most books are very wordy and defining the process, then an example. Not this one. This guy must have pilot blood in him. You get a heads up of what you are going to do, make an example and try it out, then after you've "landed", the author discusses with you what you just did, the dynamics, and how to go a step beyond. Ok, this is getting really wordy, so let me wrap up here....Im not a good reader...I get distracted too easy. I found myself able to get absorbed into this book and LEARN. Its concise and to the point. So, to those of you that didnt like the book, well...perhaps you like those War & peace sized ones...or like books that read like Latin 101 and put anyone that dares read over your shoulder to sleep. Good book, good examples...I tended to stay away from the Microsoft Press books since they were much more expensive then the other entry-level guides. Not any more...looking forwad to his next book on the next version of VB
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Click Here to see more reviews about: Microsoft Visual Basic Professional 6.0 Step by Step (Step by Step (Microsoft))
This information-packed Step by Step course is the easiest and fastest way to teach yourself to write 32-bit Microsoft Windows®based programs using the latest version of Microsoft Visual Basic. Work through every lesson to complete the full course, or do individual lessons to learn just the skills you need. Either way, you gain the skills you need at your own pace.
Work with ActiveX® controls, compiler options,and the new development tools
Master programming fundamentals, including variables, decision structures, loops, and functions
Create custom dialog boxes, clocks, menus, and animation effects
Manage text files and use encryption and sorting algorithms
Use Automation to integrate Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, and Microsoft Outlook™ features into your applications
Explore Professional Edition ActiveX controls that process RTF files, run videos, display progress information, and play audio CD-ROMs
Call the memory management functions in the Windows API
Download FTP and HTML files from the Internet and design DHTML pages
Exploit corporate data resources with advanced database tools and the new ActiveX Data Objects
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