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(More customer reviews)I bought the first edition of this book over 8 years ago, and couldn't let it down. "A Brief History of the Caribbean," by Jan Rogozinski simply is one of the most well researched and organized books on Caribbean history ever published. As a Latin American Studies major in college, this book was very reliable and informative in many of studies, and it allowed me, by utilizing the many maps and charts found in the book, to understand the very nature of Caribbean politics, culture, and most importantly, history. Everything from Pre-Colombian civilization to Post-Independence woes are covered here, and the author has released an updated edition with information as recent as of January 1999. I strongly recommend that readers of this book also read "A Continent of Islands," by Mark Kurlansky to gain more knowledge of this beautiful but troubled region.
Click Here to see more reviews about: A Brief History of the Caribbean: From the Arawak and the Carib to the Present
The first complete history of the Caribbeanislands--updated through the year 2000.This comprehensive volumetakes the reader and student through more than five hundred years ofCaribbean history, beginning with Columbus's arrival in the Bahamas in1492. A Brief History of the Caribbean traces the people andevents that have marked this constantly shifting region, encompassingeverything from economic booms and busts to epidemics, wars, andrevolutions, and bringing to life such important figures as SirFrancis Drake, Blackbeard, Toussaint Louverture, Fidel Castro, theDuvaliers, and Jean-Bertrand Aristide. This superbly writtenhistory, revised and updated, with new chapters that reflect theislands' most recent social, economic, and political developments, isa work of impeccable scholarship. Featuring maps, charts, tables, andphotographs, it remains the ideal guide to the region and itspeople."A veritable sourcebook of information . . . analysis,description, interpretation . . . interesting and useful."--LibraryJournal--This text refers to an alternate Paperback edition.
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