Vocabulary Power 3: Practicing Essential Words Review

Vocabulary Power 3: Practicing Essential Words
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The Vocabulary Power series may be used in the classroom, of course, but these three books also seem ideal for motivated intermediate or advanced ESL learners to use at home. Each of the 30 sections of each text exposes a student to 10 new academic words, for a total of 300 words in all. The vocabulary is graduated in difficulty from the first to the third book, so there are 900 core words in the entire series.
The words in each section are presented in 10 different contexts: 1) using context to comprehend meanings, 2) matching vocabulary to definitions, 3) answering multiple-choice questions using the words, 4) categorizing them as parts of speech, 5) presenting alternate meanings, 6) inserting vocabulary into sentences, 7) learning collocations and idioms, and 8, 9, and 10) employing the words in readings, discussion, and writing. There are review tests every three chapters and a complete index. A separate answer key may be purchased for each book.
Repeated exposure to new vocabulary is essential both for understanding and retention, so this program is effective as well as superbly designed. If a student works his or her way through the whole series, he or she will have acquired not only 900 high-freqency words essential to high school and college proficiency but also at least as many related words. As an ESL teacher with 25 years of teaching experience, I recommend it highly.

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Acquiring a strong vocabulary doesn't have to be difficult. Vocabulary Power uses the latest research on memory to make this process simple, effective, and enjoyable. A three-book series, Vocabulary Power:teaches the most important words from the General Service List (500 words) and Academic Word List (400 words)

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