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(More customer reviews)rating 4.5;
Dr Kuhn has made a somewhat different approach to the usual methods of teaching physics
1) Mathematically (formulas!)
2) Conceptually (no mathematics, just ideas, more like 'popular science')
Instead he has sought a pedagogically stronger middle ground (balancing act) between these two methods that don't always compliment each other: especially in the minds of those who can't do mathematics very well but commmunicate well, or do mathematics very well and not the communicating thing very well. This means he has effectively made physics more accessible and more applicable (by including optional mathematical treatments of some topics). SO you can learn the concepts and then move on to the introductory mathematics of these concepts.
Lets face it: the push with physics now, so it seems, is concept mastery before mathematical treatment (anybody can learn some equations, plug the numbers in and turn the handle...it's knowing what they meant that's far more important). Dr Kuhn does a good job of this. His language, style and setting are conducive to reading and gaining the concepts in a fairly standard progression (this can be seen in the table of contents). The level here is for the 10-11 grade student or somebody who has never seen physics before. This book will not make passing those university physics courses overly likely. But it will get you on the right track so you can confront the books that those courses require you to read (and work with mathematically). Dr Kuhn uses the tool of a small 'section' quiz - three, four five questions at the end of each section (very short!) to reinforce the point of that section. His presentation of material in small 'bite-sized' pieces is also good, as is the profusion of diagrams (albeit black and white, line diagrams for the most part).
I admire the Dr Kuhn has made 'real', formalized physics (rather than just pop science) more approachable, applicable and this can't be bad. Maybe it will take some of the tarnish of the bad name physics has as 'the geek science'. And yes, the book is mostly metric!
One annoyance (hence the loss of 0.5 stars): the answers are right after the questions so it' easy for the student to 'accidentally' catch a peak. Maybe next edition put them at the end of the chapter or in an appendix.
Another book that could be used to compliment (or follow on from) Dr Kuhn's book, having a higher level and depth and more mathematics, is Physics (Palgrave Foundations)by Jim Breithaupt (isbn: 1403900558). It is geared more toward the final year high school student/1st year university student. Followed by Physics by Hecht (isbn: 0534339859) if you want a serious physics books (and weighty one too!)
So in all, this book is a very good starting point for physics! It doesn't promise more than an introduction to the topic, but at least it will present you with enough concepts so you can move onwards and upwards through the subject (of course, with the comensurate rise in mathematics and the ability to do it). I think if I was facing learning physics from scratch (thank god I'm not -> I have an engineering degree), this is the book I would like to try with. I think it would make that both enjoyable and rewarding because making learning progress and gaining conceptual understanding is a major theme of this book.
Click Here to see more reviews about: Basic Physics: A Self-Teaching Guide (Wiley Self-Teaching Guides)
The fast, easy way to master the fundamentals of physicsHere is the most practical, complete, and easy-to-use guide available for understanding physics and the physical world. Even if you don't consider yourself a "science" person, this book helps make learning key concepts a pleasure, not a chore. Whether you need help in a course, want to review the basics for an exam, or simply have always been curious about such physical phenomena as energy, sound, electricity, light, and color, you've come to the right place! This fully up-to-date edition of Basic Physics: * Has been tested, rewritten, and retested to ensure that you can teach yourself all about physics * Requires no math--mathematical treatments and applications are included in optional sections so that you can choose either a mathematical or nonmathematical approach * Lets you work at your own pace with a helpful question-and-answer format * Lists objectives for each chapter--you can skip ahead or find extra help if you need it * Reinforces what you learn with end-of-chapter self-tests
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