Computer System Architecture (3rd Edition) Review

Computer System Architecture (3rd Edition)
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It's hard for me to believe this book didn't get good reviews. It's an awesome book that succintly details the design of a CPU. The author uses a hands on approach by showing you how to design a simple CPU from scratch. Even though simple, this CPU has a useable set of instructions (including IO ones), interrupts, and a memory subsytem. RTL is used to convey what is done at each instruction cyle, which is great. For me, this is the first time
I see a practical application of RTL. The book could have been more interesting if it provides an implementation in VHDL, or Verilog, but i guess that's left as an excercise for the reader.

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Dealing with computer architecture as well as computer organization anddesign, this fully updated book provides the basic knowledge necessary tounderstand the hardware operation of digital computers. Written to aidelectrical engineers, computer engineers, and computer scientists, thevolume includes: KEY FEATURES: the computer architecture,organization, and design associated with computer hardware • thevarious digital components used in the organization and design of digitalcomputers • detailed steps that a designer must go through in order todesign an elementary basic computer • the organization and architectureof the central processing unit • the organization and architecture ofinput-output and memory • the concept of multiprocessing • two newchapters on pipeline and vector processing • two sections devotedcompletely to the reduced instruction set computer (RISC) • and sampleworked-out problems to clarify topics.

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