Comprehensive School Health Education Review

Comprehensive School Health Education
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There are several lesson plans in the back of the book which will be very helpful to a future teacher. However, I was uncomfortable with some of the verbal content within the main structure of this book. It seems to me that the general atmosphere within the book is rather conservative in nature.
1. Some of the extremely conservative overtones within the text can be exemplified below:
a. "In a healthful family, parents or guardians teach their childrenthat sex and love belong together in a committed marriage. The children learn that sex belongs in marriage and to practice delayed gratification." (p. 145)
b. "Children learn that it is not appropriate to be sexually active intheir teenage years." (p. 144)
2. Another thing that bothers me is the efforts they have made to include females actually ends up creating negative stereotypes. I guess it's not PC to say "his" to inclusively mean everyone. So rather than say his/her, this books often just says "her". This usage of "her" makes me feel as though the "hims" are not included. What's worse, are when they do the following (these are listed under suicide prevention strategies):
a. "Try to determine what the source of the depression is. Help theperson make a list of her strengths and the positive aspects of her life. This person should decide on a plan of action that will relieve her depressed feelings." (p.137)
b. "Rewarding activities provide an opportunity to be productive. The person's self-esteem will be raised, and he will feel rewarded."(p. 137)
3. The beginning of this chapter, Family and Social Health lists the following goals: (p.142)
11. I will develop healthful family relationships
12. I will work to improve difficult family relationships
13. I will make healthful adjustments to family changes
14. I will develop healthy friendships
15. I will develop dating skills
16. I will practice abstinence from sex
17. I will recognize harmful relationships
18. I will develop skills to prepare for marriage
19. I will develop skills to prepare for parenthood
20. I will practice abstinence from sex to avoid the risks of teen
marriage and parenthood
Optional Health Goal: I will learn facts about birth control methods.
These are just a few examples of the overall tone of the book.

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A market leader, this book continues to be the most thorough text and resource for preparing elementary-, middle-, and secondary-school teachers to teach health. Students who use this text in a methods class keep it as a reference for student-teaching and throughout their teaching career. They rely on the practical strategies and methods that the book provides, as well as on its comprehensive Curriculum Guide: an organized, sequential K-12 plan for teaching students the information and skills they need to become health-literate, to maintain and improve their health, to prevent disease, and to reduce risky health-related behaviors.

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Medical Terminology with Human Anatomy, Fifth Edition Review

Medical Terminology with Human Anatomy, Fifth Edition
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This was the required text for my second subject in Medical Transcription. It was very good and detailed enough for the beginning transcriptionist to understand where everything is, and to familiarize yourself with more medical terminology. This one seems to assume you already have a beginning foundation in basic medical terminology and how to form medical words using word parts, combining forms, suffixes, and prefixes. I say this because the first chapter immediately launches into a LOT of these word parts with very little discussion on what they are, how to do them, etc. The book has a detailed glossary of medical words, though, and it has these little cardboard cutouts that look like miniature index cards (flash cards) that will aid you in memorizing basic word parts. The book has very long and detailed exercises at the end of each chapter that builds on what you have already learned and strengthens your medical terminology foundation. It also comes with a CD-ROM that has exercises relevant to each chapter. WHen you complete a chapter exercise, the software evaluates your performance and tells you where your mistakes are, then prints out a study plan for you where you can bone up and read about your mistakes. An over-all good book!

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For courses in Medical Terminology found in a variety of departments including allied heath, nursing, office technology, health information, etc.Providing comprehensive coverage of all aspects of medical terminology, along with overviews of anatomy and physiology, this popular text is arranged by body systems and specialty areas.Using a proven and unique word building approach, it makes learning easy and interesting by presenting important prefixes, word roots, combining forms, and suffixes as they related to each specialty area or body system. Students develop a medical vocabulary in a systematic way. User-friendly in format, with full-color illustrations and photographs, the package also includes a free CD-ROM full of learning activities. See it all at

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Personality Psychology: Domains of Knowledge About Human Nature Review

Personality Psychology: Domains of Knowledge About Human Nature
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I have recently completed teaching an undergraduate course on Theories of Personality using this text. It is well written and very usable for an introductory course in personality theory. It's biggest strength is also it's biggest weakness in my opinion. The text presents personality theory from the perspective of current psychological research. Thus, it provides students with a wealth of research in the realm of personality from six domains: biological, intrapsychic, cognitive/experiential, dispositional, cultural, and adjustment. This is the text's strength. Because of this format, however, it basically plays out as a survey course of the research associated with personality theory. In my opinion, it minimally addresses the grand theories of personality. The authors contend that this is because the research has not substantiated these theories. Yet, from a clinical perspective I would argue that there is merit with having students wrestle with many of the concepts and ideas associated with those theories. That will not happen in this book. Nevertheless, the book does a good job of reviewing research in areas that would probably not be addressed in traditional theories of personality courses. Kevin Dugan, Ph.D.

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Larsen and Buss's Personality Psychology is based on a framework of six important domains of knowledge about personality functioning. These six domains are the dispositional domain (traits, trait taxonomies, and personality dispositions over time), the biological domain (physiology, genetics, evolution), the intrapsychic domain (psychodynamics, motives), the cognitive/experiential domain (cognition, emotion, and the self), the social and cultural domain (social interaction, gender, and culture), and the adjustment domain (stress, coping, health, and personality disorders). This book is based on the notion that these domains of knowledge represent the organizing structure of contemporary personality psychology.

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Quick Medical Terminology: A Self-Teaching Guide, 4th edition Review

Quick Medical Terminology: A Self-Teaching Guide, 4th edition
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Before starting a class at the local technical college, I used this book as a guide to find out if I could go back to school after 30 years. It was great - easy to understand and much better than the textbook we use in class. Highly recommended.

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Expand your working medical vocabulary
Work at your own pace to master the latest terms and techniques
Learn all the essential Greek and Latin building blocks

Learn at your own pace with the guidebook that has sold over 400,000 copies
What word is used to describe a fatty tumor? Why are qualifiers necessary in medical terminology? How does kinesialgia occur? What does "involution" mean? With Quick Medical Terminology: A Self-Teaching Guide, Fourth Edition, you'll discover the answers to these questions and many more.
Using a unique word-building system that begins with a review of Greek and Latin word roots, Shirley Steiner provides the tools necessary for building and sustaining a large working repertoire of medical terms. This new fourth edition helps readers understand the simple logic behind hundreds of seemingly incomprehensible words, featuring new review exercises and up-to-date examples. The step-by-step, clearly structured format of Quick Medical Terminology makes it fully accessible, providing an easily understood, comprehensive overview.
Like all Self-Teaching Guides, Quick Medical Terminology allows you to build gradually on what you have learned-at your own pace. Questions and self-tests reinforce the information in each chapter and allow you to skip ahead or focus on specific areas of concern. Packed with useful, up-to-date information, this clear, concise volume is a valuable learning tool and reference source for practitioners and students who need to expand, improve, or refresh their medical vocabularies.

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Harry Potter y la piedra filosofal Review

Harry Potter y la piedra filosofal
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This is a great, easy, relaxing way to keep up your already advanced Spanish. It might also be a good way to greatly improve your intermediate Spanish. Keep a dictionary and a notepad handy for those new vocabulary words. Or don't. After a little while of recording new words, I finally quit and just read for the pleasure of it, deciphering words by context. Sometimes I grabbed the English version to check a phrase. That worked well, too. In short, for use as a language builder and confidence builder, I highly recommend this book to you. However, if you're hoping to comprehend the complexities of grammar, there are just enough strange turns of phrase in this book that I would say this is not your first source for grammar lessons.

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Harry es húerfano de padre y madre y vive con sus tíosodiosos y su primo insoportable y malcriado.Por suerte Harry puedeir a un colegio especial de magia.Ágil y divertida, esta novelaentretiene a grandes y chicos.

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Complete Dead Sea Scrolls Review

Complete Dead Sea Scrolls
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Geza Vermes provides a concise introduction to the topic of the Dead Sea Scrolls and provides English translations of many of the scrolls and fragments found in the 11 caves of Qumran. This book was originally published in 1965 and was last updated in 1997. Much has happened in those 32 years and this book contains updates on the key items.
In the first 96 pages of the book, Vermes provides an insight into what the Scrolls are, who the authors were, a history of the community that wrote the scrolls, and the religious ideas of the community. 500 pages of translations and brief discussions of each scroll and fragment follow. The discussions are particularly helpful as introductions to the themes and background related to each scroll. About 40 pages at the end of the book present a catalogue of the scrolls, an index of the texts, and a bibliography. The indexes in the book provide references by topic and by the classification number of the text or fragment (e.g. 4Q525 is text number 525 from Qumran Cave 4).
Among the many key manuscripts translated in this book are the Community Rule, the Damascus Document, the Messianic Rule, the War Scroll, the Thanksgiving Hymns, the Apocryphal Psalms, the calendrical documents, the Blessings and Benedictions, the Peshers (commentaries) on numerous books of the Old Testament, Biblical Apocryphal Works, and the Copper Scroll (the Copper Scroll is a description of the locations of hidden treasures).
The book is quite complete, but new discoveries and revisions to existing hypotheses will always make future revisions a necessity. I have used this book to teach a 4-week mini-course on the Dead Sea Scrolls at my Church with much success. I highly recommend this book. The topic is fascinating and this book is a must for anyone serious about learning what is in the Dead Sea Scrolls and what life was like from 150 B.C to 70 A.D.

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The Intel Microprocessors 8086/8088, 80186/80188, 80286, 80386, 80486, Pentium, and Pentium Pro Processor Architecture, Programming, and Inter- facing Review

The Intel Microprocessors 8086/8088, 80186/80188, 80286, 80386, 80486, Pentium, and Pentium Pro Processor Architecture, Programming, and Inter- facing
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I have read the first 140 pages of this book, and I really like it. So far, I have the following comments.
Good points:
1.) It covers both real and protected mode from the start. Other books wait until the middle of the books before they cover protected mode.
2.) Assembly language command mechanism are explained in great detail. The author explain exactly what's going on. How the data moved from memory to register, register to register, how the memory in a computer is organized, how exactly PUSH and POP command works etc. There are lots of diagram that illustrate his explanations.
3.) It covers from 8086 to Pentium II hardware architecture. Many books are strictly limited to outdated 8086 and 8088 processors.
4.) The exercises at the end of each chapter increases my understanding of the subject and answers to even numbered problems are available at the end of the book.
Bad Points:
1.)Assembly language and processor architecture are hard subjects. You have to read each chapter several times before you can get a good grasp of the topic.
2.)Some of the topic presented by the authors can not be easily understood until you read the subsequent chapters.
One suggestion for people who read the book: Make sure you know how to convert binary, hexadecimal and decimal number. You have to know these otherwise you can get lost. Some basic understanding of logic gates is also helpfull!

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For Introductory level Microprocessor courses in departments of Electronic Engineering Technology or Electrical Engineering.Keeping students on the forefront of technology, this timely text offers a practical reference to all programming and interfacing aspects of the popular Intel family of microprocessors. Organized in an orderly and manageable format that stimulates and challenges understanding, the text contains numerous example programs using the Microsoft Macro Assembler program, and provides a thorough description of each Intel family member, memory systems, and various I/O systems.

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AP Achiever (Advanced Placement* Exam Preparation Guide) for European History (College Test Prep) Review

AP Achiever (Advanced Placement* Exam Preparation Guide) for European History (College Test Prep)
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This book is a must-have for taking the AP Euro test. It's structured in a way that makes it easy to review a certain era of history and focuses on the key components that are then tied in to general themes. The book really allowed me to link all the events and concepts together that I learned in class. I found this review book to be the most helpful because it didn't read like a textbook. The wording was clear and nothing was dragged out for so long that I lost interest.
At the end of each section there are example multiple choice and essay questions that I felt were comparable to the ones on the actual AP Test. They allowed me to check my knowledge on a certain section of history and to see whether I needed to review it more or not. In the back of the book there are answers to the questions that provide thorough explanations so not only do you know the right answer, you know WHY it is the right answer.
Another thing that is unique about this book is that it has TWO practice AP Tests at the end so you can check your progress. If you do well on these practice tests then you are definitely prepared for the real AP Test.
Overall this was a great review book and I benefited from it a lot.

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Designed to help Advanced Placement students succeed in their studies and achieve a ‘5' on the AP Exam, AP Achiever for European History provides:
A thorough explanation of course expectations, exam parameters, preparation suggestions, as well as comprehensive tips on writing essays for the document-based and free-response section of the Exam, all to help your students maximize studies and time.
Each chapter includes a thorough content review and "Heads Up!" and "Sidebar" sections designed to connect important topics, clarify common misunderstandings, or add important information to assist in preparation for the exam. This book covers standard political, diplomatic, economic, and intellectual trends, but also makes a special effort to incorporate essential social and cultural history that is increasingly emphasized on the exam. Multiple-choice, document-based questions and free-response questions with detailed answers are included for each chapter.
Two complete timed practice exams with detailed answers and sample essays help students gear up for your final test day.

AP Achiever for European History may be used independently or in conjunction with any European History text. For the most benefit use in conjunction with McGraw-Hill's leading text, History of the Modern World, 10th Edition, by Palmer.

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We the Kids Review

We the Kids
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As David Catrow tells us in his introduction, "...For me, the Constitution is a kind of how-to book, showing us ways to have happiness, safety, and comfort...", and he uses his immeasurable talents as an artist and cartoonist to teach an inspirational and unforgettable lesson that is sure to open interesting discussions at home and school. Following a glossary of what the actual words in the Preamble of the Constitution mean, (e.g. "IN ORDER TO FORM A MORE PERFECT UNION: To come together and make things better for everyone who lives in our country. INSURE DOMESTIC TRANQUILITY: To make sure we can all have a nice life and get along with one another. TO OURSELVES AND OUR POSTERITY: For kids, parents, other grown-ups, and all the people born in our country after we are."), Mr Catrow details the meaning of these important ideals, phrase by phrase, using his marvelously bold and busy cartoon illustrations. Each two page spread is a clever feast for the eyes, rich in engaging details, manic energy, and droll humor. Perfect for youngsters 8-12, We The Kids is a witty and memorable treasure, and one of the real winners of 2002 that shouldn't be missed.

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The Ramayana: A Shortened Modern Prose Version of the Indian Epic (Classic, 20th-Century, Penguin) Review

The Ramayana: A Shortened Modern Prose Version of the Indian Epic (Classic, 20th-Century, Penguin)
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As a fan of Narayan's work, I was fascinated to see how he would tackle the grand subject of the Ramayana, a work that runs through and certainly influences all of Narayan's stories. The result is one of his most delightful and beautifully written novels. I think it is important to approach this book not as "THE" Ramayana, but one storyteller's unique vision of the timeless epic--even as a variation on one of his Malgudi novels (the characters certainly bare a distinct resemblance). Narayan's writing is extremely sensitive, refined, yet full of humor and charm. Throughout he adopts the tone of a storyteller, openly acknowledging that he is only "retelling" a story by a much greater storyteller, and leaving out the juciest parts at that. His little asides where he explains, "And here the poet described the scene so touchingly..." are at once reverent and amusing, as Narayan wisely omits anything too excessive or poetic that might derail his narrative. But the story itself is wonderful, a colorful, full-blooded telling of the Ramayana, sparse, fast-moving, but with all the hallmarks of Narayan's style. This book is a must for any fan of Narayan's fiction, Indian writing, or mythology. Narayan effectively conveys the epic's timelessness, with characters and situations that echo throughout literature and film, full of profound human emotions. And this is always one of Narayan's chief strengths, to create believable, complex human characters. In his treatment, even Rama and Sita emerge as sympathetic individuals, not the cardboard cut-outs all too common given their extraordinary powers. In short, this is a magical and engaging work that I know I will read again and again in the years to come. I invite you to do the same!

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This selection from the great classic of Indian literature is the heroic tale of Prince Rama. The stories chief episodes are Rama's courtship of the youthful Sita, their exile, Sita's abduction, the search, and the great battle with Ravana, her abductor.

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Frankenstein: A Kaplan SAT Score-Raising Classic Review

Frankenstein: A Kaplan SAT Score-Raising Classic
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I ordered this book to use with my AP Literature class. I was already teaching Frankenstein, and thought that my students would really benefit from the extra SAT study as well. However, as we are going through the book, I find that the story in this book is very different from the old copies I had always taught from. Key parts of the story are changed, and many of the parts are rearranged. If you are looking for an accurate version of Mary Shelley's story, this may not be the one for you.

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Makes scoring higher so easy, it's scary! Millions of readers have enjoyed the chilling tale of Frankenstein for its dark and gripping plot. But did you know that it's also packed with words you need to know for the SAT? Learning words by reading them in context is the most effective way to expand your vocabulary, and this book can help you do just that! This edition of Frankenstein includes: • 629 SAT vocabulary words highlighted throughout the text • Definitions for each highlighted word on the facing page • A word pronunciation guide • Plus a special glossary that defines over 100 additional challenging vocabulary words • It's a pain-free way to build your vocabulary -- and to score higher on the test! World Leader in Test Prep and Admissions Kaplan has been the world leader in test preparation for more than 60 years, helping more than 3 million students achieve their educational and career goals. With 185 centers and more than 1,200 classroom locations throughout the U.S. and abroad, Kaplan provides a full range of services, including test prep courses, admissions consulting, programs for international students, professional licensing preparation, and more.--This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.

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Big Java: Programming and Practice Review

Big Java: Programming and Practice
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When I bought this book, I was unaware that it was written with the intention of being a class textbook for learning not just Java, but also the basics of computer science. Even so, this is an excellent Java book that will serve the reader well.
First, this book is extremely well organized. The table of contents lays out the biggest points of each chapter without cluttering. In turn, each chapter has its own table of contents, outlining more minor points. Things that relate directly to Java and the targeted course are outlined in black, while other topics such as coding suggestions, historical notes and bits of trivia are outlined in blue. This makes navigation through the book very easy and straightforward.
As any textbook has, this one has plenty of practice exercises. These exercises are very relevant to the topics covered and offer the reader some practice. If you buy this book and are turned off by the idea of doing a bunch of exercises, well, don't do them. Then again, practice does make perfect...
Many people like Java books that plunge right into graphics programming. I don't. This book does cover basic graphics and applet programming fairly early on (chapter 4), and that is not much to my personal preference. But, it's relevant in relation to the information in surrounding chapters.
The book even comes with a style guide, which is very nice when you would like some idea of coding standards. Perhaps you will adopt the author's suggestions, perhaps not. Either way, it's an excellent place to start.
This book covers some advanced topics, including XML, JSP, servlets, and relational database interfacing. The coverage is clear and occurs later in the book after the building blocks are out of the way.
There are some errors in the book. HOWEVER, there is an errata page, at the author's web site, that addresses the problems and gives very clear corrections. Most programming books seem to have errors in them, and this one is no exception. The fact that there is a very easily accessible path to get the updates (at no extra cost) is a big plus.
Before I got this book, I was using "Thinking in Java" (Eckel) as my primary book for learning Java. Big Java has taken TIJ's place. I heartily recommend this book to anyone wanting to learn the Java language.

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Offers an in-depth look into how Java relates to such technologies as searching, sorting, data structures, multithreading, networking, database connectivity, XML, and Java Server PagesPart I deals with fundamental principles of programming and problem solvingPart II introduces advanced concepts of the Java programmingReaders will find highlighted concepts and capsule introductions into advanced topics of computer sciencePerfect reading material for anyone interested in learning or reinforcing introductory programming concepts and who wants to take advantage of the exciting attributes of the Java language

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Difficult Daughters: A Novel Review

Difficult Daughters: A Novel
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Suggested by the Bengali women in my local book club, this was a fascinating (at times frustrating) but mostly educational (for me) novel about the incredibly intense social and familial structures of Northwest India during Partition. Our story-teller is the daughter of Virmati who, as a young woman, is drawn more to the intellectual pursuits of life rather than the political ones some of her schoolmates are drawn to. Virmati has been given the chance to study (though rather reluctantly) by her parents and travels to Lahore to do so. She is a woman ahead of her time and is not keen to be relegated to the kitchen and the bedroom like wives of the time are, and her wish to never marry is somewhat disgraceful to her family. After returning home she begins to fall in love with (and he with her) an educated man who is a family neighbor (The Professor), in large part because he openly values her intelligence and encourages her constant pursuit of knowledge. He is tormented by his love for her because he is already married - but finally is pushed by a friend to make her his second wife. She is torn about the decision, but to live with the man she loves (and one who treats her as an intellectual equal) is more important than anything. This marriage results in a complete and total abandonment of Virmati by her family something that wounds her terribly. We discover that Virmati's daughter, as she seeks out those who can tell her about her mother, has also been a difficult daughter in her own way. This book was both wonderful and terribly sad....anyone, man or woman, who rails against convention to do what they believe is right for them in their hearts, is bound to be damaged in the process.

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Set around the time of Partition and written with absorbing intelligence and sympathy, Difficult Daughters is the story of a woman torn between family duty, the desire for education, and illicit love. Virmati, a young woman born in Amritsar into an austere and high-minded household, falls in love with a neighbour, the Professor--a man who is already married. That the Professor eventually marries Virmati, installs her in his home (alongside his furious first wife) and helps her towards further studies in Lahore, is small consolation to her scandalised family. Or even to Virmati, who finds that the battle for her own independence has created irrevocable lines of partition and pain around her.Difficult Daughters was short-listed for the Crossword Book Award in India.

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A Dictionary of Biblical Tradition in English Literature Review

A Dictionary of Biblical Tradition in English Literature
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This dictionary is a thorough compendium of common Biblical allusions and their appearances in English-language literature. Each entry begins with a brief account of the biblical character, story, or quotation in question. Most entries also explain the history of interpretation before listing its appearance in literature from the Anglo-Saxon period to contemporary novels. As a reference work, the dictionary is enormously helpful in both tracking down biblical allusions and tracing links between literary works from different eras. Personally, I have also found the dictionary helpful in understanding the history of biblical interpretation, as it records many interpretations of biblical stories that simply do not occur to the modern reader of the Bible.

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Explains biblical motifs, names, and allusions that are frequently used in English literature, and provides examples for each item.

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Active Listening: Introducing Skills for Understanding Student's book Review

Active Listening: Introducing Skills for Understanding Student's book
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I have worked with hundreds of books and materials teaching EFL/ESL in Asia and the U.S., and this book has the some best listening activities out of everything else that I have seen. One of my favorite features is the that the cassette uses a great variety of voices and accents.

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This book helps students listen for gist and specific information, to make inferences and to progress to content-based activities.Introducing Skills for Understanding is the high-beginning level of the Active Listening series. By activating students' knowledge of a topic before they listen, the text gives them a frame of reference to make intelligent predictions about what they will hear. Students learn to listen through a careful balance of activities, including listening for gist, listening for specific information, and making inferences.

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Effective Methods for Software Testing, 2nd Edition Review

Effective Methods for Software Testing, 2nd Edition
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We've been developing a testing group and I wanted a practical reference for software testing. This is not it. The text presumes you're in an extremely mature environment (CMM 3 or higher) and have requirements, design, adequate resources, etc., etc.. I think the book needs more examples, better organization, and practical solutions to the difficulties you're likely to face in managing large-scale testing organizations to be truly effective. If you want LOTS of arcane procedures, though, and are going to work for a gov't. agency--this is your book!

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All the proven testing tools and techniques you'll need to ensure that your applications work exactly as they're supposed to! Effective Methods for Software Testing Second Edition Can you guarantee that the software your company develops works as intended? It's essential that you know the proper techniques for testing software, otherwise you could face lost productivity, lost revenue, and customer dissatisfaction. Leading software testing expert William Perry takes you through a comprehensive eleven-step testing process that contains all of the components you'll need to evaluate your software. This testing process includes numerous workpapers and checklists designed to lead you through all aspects of software testing and can be customized to meet the needs of your organization or for a specific test assignment. From establishing a test strategy to selecting and using testing tools, you'll also find helpful guidelines on how to build an effective testing environment. This includes self-assessments designed to improve deficient capabilities of your software development process and deficient competencies of software testers. Detailed test programs featured in this Second Edition include:* Internet/Intranet applications* Off-the-shelf software* Multiplatform environments* System security* Data warehouse applications* Client/server systems* Rapid application developmentShort on theory and long on nuts-and-bolts guidance, Effective Methods for Software Testing, Second Edition arms you with what you need to guarantee that your customers get what they deserve-the most usable, bug-free software possible. The companion Web site at* Current software testing survey results* An extensive list of software testing techniques* A case study on how this book can be turned into an in-house testing manualWiley Computer Publishing Timely. Practical. Reliable. Visit out Web site at

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The Tales of Edgar Allan Poe: A Kaplan SAT Score-Raising Classic (Kaplan Score Raising Classics) Review

The Tales of Edgar Allan Poe: A Kaplan SAT Score-Raising Classic (Kaplan Score Raising Classics)
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Kaplan has created a few books that help with the development of learning SAT vocabulary. This book, which has many of the well-known Edgar Allan Poe stories, does likewise, defining over seven hundred vocabulary words on the opposite page or in the glossary. The neat aspect of this book is that it not only defines the various difficult words on the opposite page, but also puts the words in bold in the text and underlines them. On the opposite page the words appear with a definition, a pronunciation key, and a few examples of synonyms. Students who find the vocabulary difficult in a Poe story can readily access this, and it makes comprehension that much easier.
The most important part, however, is the just the thrill of being able to read many of Poe's chilling classic stories in this format. Many of the stories that students read in grade school and high school are included such as "The Tell Tale Heart", "The Fall of the House of Usher" and "The Pit and the Pendulum", and also a few of the lesser-known titles, such as "Hop Frog", "The Black Cat", and William Wilson."
The book itself is easy to carry around and has easy to read font which makes it a great buy. The stories are fantastic and the neat essence of this book is that you can read and learn vocabulary at the same time. Exceptional book!

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Kaplan guarantees that readers will improve their SAT score using guides—or get their money back.Vocabulary is a critical part of studying for the SATs. Memorizing words that are written on flashcards can be difficult because they are not put in the context of a sentence. Kaplan's SAT Score-Raising Classics make learning SAT vocabulary words easier and more enjoyable for students. Classic novels that are taught throughout high school can now be read while learning vocabulary words that frequently appear on the SAT exam.Designed for easy use, these books feature the actual text on one side of the page, with the word definitions on the opposite side. In addition, the vocabulary words are in easy-to-spot bold typeface throughout.Each Kaplan SAT Score-Raising Classic features:
The complete text of the classic novel
Hundreds of vocabulary words tested on the SAT exam
Definitions for each highlighted work on the facing page
A pronunciation guide
An index for easy reference
A teachers' guide that includes instructional suggestions, in-class activities, and homework assignments posted on our web site:
Kaplan's SAT Score-Raising Classics series give readers get an invaluable learning tool and an enjoyable reading experience.--This text refers to an alternate Mass Market Paperback edition.

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Click here for more information about The Tales of Edgar Allan Poe: A Kaplan SAT Score-Raising Classic (Kaplan Score Raising Classics)