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(More customer reviews)Mary Webster's new book "The Federalist Papers--In Modern Language Indexed for Today's Political Issues" is a "must-have" reference work. If you are a serious student, a teacher, a professional or just interested in Constitutional issues, Miss Webster's book should be there next to your dictionary. Any of us who have delved into the original Federalist Papers know what a confusing morass of run-on, page long sentences you sometimes find. Miss Webster's book can save you hours of trying to parse those difficult sentences written in antique English. But don't expect some of those troubling ambiguities--like, "What does this 'it' refer to?"--to be cleared up. Miss Webster's stated objective was to TRANSLATE rather than to interpret. However, the cleaned up text will make it easier for you to make your own interpretation. Near the front of the book you will find a complete copy of The US Constitution. That's very handy for those of us who go off looking for our lost copy whenever our ire is aroused by some questionable interpretation. Almost as handy is the "map" provided next to the Constitution showing which parts are associated with which paragraphs in the Federalist Papers. Worth the price alone is the extensive index associating political issues with the appropriate paragraphs in the Federalist Papers. You no longer have to be an "expert" who has memorized the "Papers" to quickly turn to the proper paragraphs. Miss Webster's book might not be something we'd sit down and read from cover to cover. How many of us do that with an encyclopedia or dictionary? But when the need arises, they are extremely handy to have on the bookshelf.
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The Federalist Papers are among the most important Founding Documents in the birth of the United States of America. The whole original debate over the Constitution is laid out here in detail for all to see. But most Americans have never read them. Why? Because they were written in the florid and complex language of 18th century politics. Now the Federalist Papers have been translated into modern American English. If you can read a newspaper, you can now read the Federalist Papers. See how the Founding Fathers foresaw the problems of impeachment, of corruption in government, of representation and all the other headline-grabbing issues we read about today! This new edition is indexed for today's political issues, a feature found no where else! The Clinton Impeachment? Regulatory excess? Bumbling bureaucracy? Gun control? Just see the index and find out what the Federalist Papers say about it! A publishing event of major importance!
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