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(More customer reviews)Pricing in all businesses is a combination of art and science. Windwalker has been publishing Kindle eBooks since the beginning, included a top bestseller on the paid list, and has actively experimented with price points on dozens of titles. While the main point of this eBook is how to price after the new 70% royalty option was announced (hint - choose a price that meets the 70% royalty requirements), he also discusses the bigger picture of eBook pricing, including the trade-off between profit per sale and sales volume.
Click Here to see more reviews about: How to Price eBooks for the Kindle: A Pocket Pricing Guide for Authors and Publishers to Maximize Sales and Royalties with the New 70 Percent Royalty Option
How to Price eBooks for the Kindle: A Pocket Pricing Guide for Authors and Publishers to Maximize Sales and Royalties with the New 70 Percent Royalty Option, by Kindle Nation Daily editor Stephen Windwalker, provides authors and publishers with the tools and background they need to set prices that will maximize their Kindle sales and royalties. Windwalker was the author of the #1 paid bestseller in the Kindle Store for the entire year 2008, and has sold over 100,000 Kindle and paperback copies of his books around the world. "The definitive guide for Kindle eBook pricing." --Morris Rosenthal of Fonerbooks.com, author of How To Publish Books and eBooks For A Good Living
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