Average Reviews:
(More customer reviews)I have read reviews that say this book is limited in its scope.Well, it is limited,and for good reason.This book is meant for one reason only, to give you full conjugation of 501 of the most common verbs in all tenses.If this book had included a broader scope of info it would not be so easy to use.This book is a must have for all serious language students.The one other book I strongly recommend is "750 verbs |GERMAN| and their uses". That book covers the many many meanings a verb can have and how it can change meaning with various prepositions and also gives numerous example sentences per verb/meaning.
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From Šchzen (to groan) to ziehen (to pull), 501 of the most commonly used German verbs are presented alphabetically with translations. The arrangement is one verb per page in easy to comprehend table form. Each verb is listed with its principal parts and followed by complete conjugation in all tenses. Additional material includes tables of strong verbs arranged according to pattern of change, and a section on prefix verbs and model auxiliaries. An added feature in this edition is a set of 27 verb tests with answers explained. Language students will also find weather expressions as they are used with impersonal verbs, a selection of German idioms and proverbs, and a concise review of rules for verb tenses and moods. This book, with its emphasis on grammatical form, makes a fine classroom supplement for beginner, intermediate, and advanced courses in German.
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