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(More customer reviews)If you're an English language teacher stuck in classrooms with 20 plus students for 30-40 hours a week and your text is a disaster your whole life can be hell. You hate your work and your students hate you. What do you do? Teach something else ? But in the end you always have to come back to the text...This has been the dilemma for teachers at my school over the last few years. While Interchange 1 was pretty good and Interchange 2 OK Interchange 3 was a nightmare-the more so as we realized the weakness was in the book and not in our teaching.So New Interchange 3 is something of a revelation- the changes in this book are not merely cosmetic,they are extensive. The layout and presentation of the grammar is sometimes so good I am in awe of how good this is and how bad the original book was. You realize there is real art to writing an English language teaching book- an art only really appreciated by the hands-on teacher. The other stunning improvement in this book is the content. It's so much more interesting, more contemporary, relevant and personal.So on 2 counts; grammar presentation and content this book is a winner. It's only on the third pillar of communicative language teaching- activities- that there is a weakness. The "Teacher's" book is lazy, unimaginative and unhelpful most of the time. A teacher needs to look elsewhere or in his or her own head for activities. Nonetheless, the improvements in NEW INTERCHANGE 3 are such that I can walk into a classroom with enthusiasm rather than dread.
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New Interchange is a multi-level series for adult and young-adult learners of English from the beginning to the high-intermediate level.The Level 3 Student's Book builds on the foundations established in Level 2 for accurate and fluent communication, extending grammatical, lexical, and functional skills. Beautiful color photographs and illustrations facilitate the teaching of new vocabulary. The New Interchange series teaches students to use English for everyday situations and purposes related to school, work, social life, and leisure. As with the other levels of New Interchange, a complete set of ancillaries, including a video program, is available to make classes interesting and productive.
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