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(More customer reviews)The Norton Anthology of World Masterpieces: Vol. 1 / 0-393-96346-2
I own several anthologies for my private library, salvaged from college book sales over the years, and this is definitely one of my favorites. The world literature selections presented here really are from all over the world, and not are predominantly "western" writings. There's quite a bit of material that I haven't seen elsewhere (ancient Egyptian love songs, for example) and the translations are fluid and easy to read. I recommend this anthology for anyone looking to enrich a personal library with world literary selections.
- Aeschylus
- Aristophanes
- Aristotle
- Bhagavad-Gita
- Catullus
- Chinese Book of Songs
- Chinese Nine Songs
- Chuang Chou
- Confucius
- Egyptian Poetry
- Epic of Gilgamesh
- Euripides
- Hebrew Bible (Old Testament)
- Homer
- Jataka
- Mahabharata
- Ovid
- Petronius
- Plato
- Ramayana of Valmiki
- Sappho of Lesbos
- Sophocles
- Tamil Anthologies
- Virgil
PART 2: 100 A.D. TO 1500 A.D.
- Abolqasem Ferdowsi
- Amaru
- Augustine
- Basavanna
- Beowulf
- Bhartrhari
- Book of Dede Korkut
- Chandidasa
- Cilappatikaram
- Dante Alighieri
- Epic of Son-Jara
- Everyman
- Faridoddin Attar
- Francois Villon
- Gawain and the Green Knight
- Geoffrey Chaucer
- Giovanni Boccaccio
- Govindadasa
- Greek Bible (New Testament)
- Han-Shan
- Ibn Ishaq
- Jalaloddin Rumi
- Kalidasa
- Kanze Kojiro Nobumitsu
- Kokinshu
- Koran
- Li Ch'ing-Chao
- Li Ho
- Li Po
- Li Shang-Yin
- Mahadeviyakka
- Man'yoshu
- Marie de France
- Mirabai
- Murasaki Shikibu
- Po Chu-I
- Sa'di
- Sei Shonagon
- Somadeva
- Song of Roland
- Story of Deirdre
- T'ao Ch'ien
- Tale of the Heike
- Thousand and One Nights
- Tu Fu
- Tu Mu
- Tulsidas
- Vidyapati
- Visnusarman
- Wanderer
- Wang Wei
- Yoshida Kenko
- Yuan Chen
- Zeami Motokiyo
PART 3: 1500 A.D. TO 1650 A.D.
- Cantares Mexicaons
- Castiglione, Baldesar
- de Cervantes, Miguel
- de la Barca, Pedro Calderon
- de Montaigne, Michel
- de Navarre, Marguerite
- Donne, John
- Erasmus, Desiderius
- Florentine Codex
- Machiavelli, Niccolo
- Marlowe, Christopher
- Milton, John
- Petrarch, Francis
- Popul Vuh
- Radelais, Francois
- Shakespeare, William
~ Ana Mardoll
Click Here to see more reviews about: The Norton Anthology of World Literature, Volumes A-C: Beginnings to 1650
In 1995, Norton changed the way world literature is taught byintroducing The Norton Anthology of World Masterpieces,Expanded Edition. Leading the field once again, Norton is proud topublish the anthology for the new century, The Norton Anthology ofWorld Literature, Second Edition. Now published in 2 slipcasedsets (this set, Package 1, contains three volumes covering from thebeginnings of world lit to 1650), the new anthology boasts slimmervolumes, thicker paper, a bolder typeface, and dozens of newlyincluded or newly translated works from around the world.The Norton Anthology of World Literature representscontinuity as well as change. Like its predecessor, the anthology is acompact library of world literature, offering an astoundingforty-three complete longer works, more than fifty prose works, overone hundred lyric poems, and twenty-three plays. More portable, moresuitable for period courses, more pleasant to read, and more attunedto current teaching and research trends, The Norton Anthology ofWorld Literature remains the most authoritative, comprehensive,and teachable anthology for the world literature survey.Included in this set are: The Norton Anthology of World Literature, Volume A: Beginningsto A.D. 100 (ISBN 0393977552)The Norton Anthology of World Literature, Volume B: 100 to1500 (ISBN 0393977560)The Norton Anthology of World Literature, Volume C: 1500 to1650 (ISBN 0393977579)
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