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(More customer reviews)When you buy a new television and are luxuriating in it's opulence, it's extra crisp display and hi-fidelity sound, do you read the entire owners manual or do you just read the parts of the owners for the things that are basically new on this model of TV? You already know how to work the television as they are fundamentally all the same but this new model that you've bought may have a built in wireless connection, or options on the sound to change from Stereo to Dolby etc. There is no need to read the entire manual, only the bits that are new to this make and model.
Over the years that I have been a Microsoft .Net programmer I have read literally hundreds of books that are basically re-hashes of previous titles, updated to include what's new in the latest Framework release. For example, when .Net 3.5 was released, I read numerous books that were basically the .Net 3.0 books that were simply updated and expanded to include the new features of .Net 3.5. Whilst this can be a good thing, you have a single reference manual incorporating all you need to know in one place, sometimes you just want a book that only covers the changes in the frameworks. Just place the extra chapters in a separate book. Rather than reading about classes and technologies that you already know, just give me what's new. That is exactly what Introducing .Net 4.0 With Visual Studio 2010 is, for the most part. The book is based on the Beta version of .Net 4.0 and Visual Studio 2010 so some things may change by the time of actual release, however those changes are likely to be quite minor.
After a very brief introductory chapter Introducing .Net 4.0 delves straight in with what's been changed, added etc. to Visual Studio 2010. After all, this will (in all likely) be the tool you will use to take advantage of what follows in this book. From there we're off to a couple of chapters detailing changes to in the actual languages (this book is mainly geared towards the C# developer although the author does point out differences in VB.Net as well) and the underlying Common Language Runtime environment. Alex Mackey provides numerous examples liberally sprinkled around the chapters when introducing the new features to show you how they work and how to take advantage of them.
One thing that rather surprised me about this book is that Alex Mackey covers all the bases. It's not just a book for Windows Client developers or Asp.Net developers etc. He has included what's new in the .Net framework for all the technologies even including Silverlight. As an added bonus, the last chapter of the book covers the new Windows Azure framework. Whilst strictly speaking this isn't really part of .Net 4.0, there are tools built into Visual Studio 2010 to help take advantage of the new Azure framework and so it does fit in nicely with the purview of the book.
The book has a nice flowing feel to it and is surprisingly easy to read. Some technical books read more like an SA or university thesis whereas this one reads more like a novel. Packed with information regarding only the new additions and changes to the .Net Framework and Visual Studio.
If you are looking for a book teaching you how to program using Microsoft .Net technologies, then this isn't for you. If you are looking for an all-in-one reference manual on .Net 4.0 then again this book isn't for you. However if you are already a Microsoft .Net programmer and are looking for a book that details only what is new and changed in the upcoming .Net 4.0 framework, give yourself a head start with what's coming around the corner, then this book is for you and comes recommended.
Click Here to see more reviews about: Introducing .NET 4.0: With Visual Studio 2010 (Expert's Voice in .NET)
The release of .NET 4.0 this year brings in a wide range of changes to the .NET Framework across a broad front ranging from C# to Silverlight, from WPF to ‘Oslo'. Many familiar technologies are being over-hauled, best practices are being changed and developer methodologies altered. With so many new ideas appearing developers are finding it hard to keep track of the opportunities that are opening up.Introducing .NET 4.0 crystallizes their options and provides them with a roadmap to the new releases. It clearly maps the whole range of changes, showing what's new, what's changed and what has stayed the same. Crucially, it provides clear-cut examples of best practice and shows how the technology can be put to work. This massively reduces the amount of time readers need to spend in understanding how the new releases are going to affect them and gives them a head-start towards seizing the opportunities that are opening up.
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