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(More customer reviews)This is a pretty good prep book for the AP Spanish Language & Composition Exam. After page ii, it contains no English, so it's a really great opportunity for students to immerse themselves in Spanish as they prepare for the exam. The book is divided into ten chapters, each with a different theme (the home, health, the environment, etc.). Each chapter includes relevant vocabulary words and idioms, as well as 20-25 pages of AP-style exercises. The activities are great practice for the exam, and they typically relate to the theme of the chapter.
The book is a great resource, but there are a few important details to note:
-This book is intended for use in a classroom environment. Answers, solutions, and scoring rubrics are not included with the book. Furthermore, the CD's with the audio exercises must be purchased separately.
-This book was published in 2006. Therefore, it does not take into account the most recent changes to the AP Exam. Paragraph completions, for example, appear in this book even though they no longer appear on the AP Exam. This isn't too much of a problem, though. Every activity in the current form of the exam is represented in this book.
-The vocabulary section at the beginning of each chapter is a bit frustrating to work with. Vocabulary words are only presented in Spanish, so students are forced to look them up in the small glossary at the back of the book. This is particularly inconvenient because there's not always enough space to write in the English translation next to the Spanish words. Furthermore, there are a few vocabulary words that don't actually appear in the glossary.
Overall, this is a solid prep book for the AP Spanish Language & Composition Exam. The AP-style activities are incredibly similar to those on the actual AP exam, so the book really prepares students for success. It's an excellent resource for students in an AP class that uses the book. It's tough to justify the purchase of both the book and the exorbitantly expensive CD's, however, so those studying for the exam independently are far better off purchasing another resource.
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This nationally recognized text is written to ensure students are prepared for the integrated-skills format for the AP Spanish Language Exam. The student text continues to emphasize vocabulary acquisition. Each of the ten chapters will treat a different theme and recycle vocabulary throughout. The text has been written in order to prepare students for success with the nine different evaluation types required for the exam. The audio portion of the program includes 90 audio activities plus 100 articles of interest to high school students on a wide variety of authentic topics. Each chapter contains vocabulary building and testing activities as well as a Spanish-to-English glossary.
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